Poker for free

For the first time I heard of poker from my grandmother that story as he played for the first time in the army. The story so nice about this “poker” that attracted me very much and I asked him how to play. Not much thought stood and took a deck of cards and showed me. I’m talking about poker for free of course.

The game is played at least two players. It receives 5 ​​cards in the early game, if you can not select from these books can change anything within 3. You can do the following combinations:

- Square 4 cards the same number and a different book.
- Full three books have the same number and 2 with different numbers.
- Color all the cards have the same color.
- Books that have ascending straight. (Example: 1,2,3,4,5)
- Royal Flush ascending order books have but at the same time the same color (eg red 1,2,3,4,5)
- 2 pairs, contains two books that are numbered with the same number, and two books that have different numbers than the other two.
- A pair that consists of two books that contain the same number.
- 3 books that have the same number.
The highest card is the ace, and the color is more clubs.

Most solution that you can do is Royal Flush that you can win every thing, it comes from Square followed by descending scale: color, straight, three books, two pairs and finally a pair.

After I learned the rules, play every day even with the ”comrades” of. But by far the most important thing I learned from my grandfather was to play this game for fun, not fun to win money. He tried to explain that money does not bring me happiness and that’s true.

I continue to play poker for free for pleasure and as I learned myself to someone I’ll teach my turn many.

In my opinion poker will never die, will always have followers who will join and those followers in turn will attract other amateur poker history behind them … and always will be transmitted from generation to generation.

I at least will continue to play poker for free forever. I hope others do. Poker for free its very fun and you cant stop playing it.

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