How I started to play poker for the first time.

At first I had no idea about this type of card game, poker. I did not know how to play where it was invented as rules, in short I did not know anything about it. I heard some rumors that they would gain from it as well if you get to become an experienced player. Going to a football game I noticed a large billboard at the entrance to the stadium with a poker site, saying on that panel that the registration is free and you get a bank-roll the first $ 50. After the match I got home and decided to go to see what it is. I went on different sites to learn the rules.

I watched many videos and I really liked, I decided to start playing myself. We started with one free account, obviously having no experience to play that bankroll I lost so I made another account after I played that a few days and I lost again. I said that once try again with another account. I’ve done to the astonishment or my luck, I won about $ 200, then I felt something deep in me that I guide to poker. I began to really like this game, and I decided to continue playing. I think the only thing that was playing poker, it was for money.


But there was also a small part of the fun and adrenaline, the adrenaline came when opponent draw cards and you did not know what book is the play book, which will be played down, what will happen next hand, what you get, the easier slightly from that state to tilt it goes quickly. But even if in very quickly emerges as fast. Not because I had good cards but because I watched a lot of money with just indifference reasons not to go and in tilt. Days passed and I decided to open my my own online poker site. Then received many visitors and is making many accounts, I decided to try to make them money in a casino game really, and I did. I entered with a small amount at a table with six players who did not seem too experienced. I had read about how you should sit at a table and how to be dressed to hide your facial expressions can betray you. I played one hand because I was very rushed, I put $ 200 on a hand and had the best winning cards on the table about $ 60,000! Since then continue playing.

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One Response to How I started to play poker for the first time.

  1. This story pretty much like mine, I can say is that I started playing poker for the same reason, so … I can say is that I started poker for the same reason.:)

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